


SEAT Ibiza FR TDI (130)
2008 Seat Ibiza Diesel Manual Hatchback by D • 16th April 2018
Owned my 2008 SEAT Ibiza FR TDI for 2 years now.
RELIABILITY:I have only replaced suspension parts which is basic wear and tear. The 1.9 TDI pd engine is renowned for being bulletproof.
PERFORMANCE: All I can say is wow, for a diesel this car can fairly shift. Admittedly, I had the car remapped to 168bhp and 305 lb/ft of torque and the performance is amazing. Second gear pull is vicious and really throws you into the back of the seat, sure there is a bit of lag but what diesel doesn't. In-gear acceleration is what makes this car so good, and It has beaten many more expensive 'performance' cars, even off the lights. Remember this car weighs only 1179kg compared to the fabia vrs, mk4 and mk5 golfs all of which weigh over 1300kg so expect to see them in your rear-view mirror only.
HANDLING: Sadly this is the car's only downside, front-wheel drive diesel is never going to be the best handling car but it just doesn't feel as planted as an audi a3. There is a bit of body roll in the corners (lowering might help this) and grip levels aren't the most confidence inspiring even with decent tyres. However, the biggest disappointment is the car's steering which is just far too light and provides barely any feedback, very numb and as a result the car is just very little fun around a twisty road. A mk2 focus will handle better.
RUNNING COSTS: Cheap to run. Tax is £150 a year. Around town I get 35MPG with a heavy right foot, motorway MPG should be in the 50's. I run the car exclusively on BP Ultimate Diesel as the car runs FAR SMOOTHER AND FASTER on this fuel when compared to regular diesel. Tyres are around £100 a corner for premium brands on 17" wheels. Servicing is every 10k miles and is cheap.
Summary: Excellent car with accessible performance in very gear. Unlike performance petrol cars, you can rake this car everywhere and the fuel needle will barely move. This would be an ideal car for someone who wants a quick car but is a bit of a miser when it comes to paying for fuel. Reliability is bulletproof even if the engine is a bit agricultural. BUY ONE!
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